
The West Africa Foundation (WAF) is a non-profit organization that was established since January 2006 with no religious or political affiliation. W.A.F. for the children of west part of Africa. The history of the foundation is a story of positive change.
The purpose of West Africa Foundation is to empower the children of Mali by expanding educational opportunities for them within their own communities. The inspiration and vision of the W.A.F. came, in part, through working with families to define and solve the problems they face on a daily basis and to better their standard of living. W.A.F. is creating a real and lasting change for children in need. The communities face challenges which can easily be answered. Will you help to ensure self-sufficiency as the cornerstone of West Africa Foundation's programs? Our programs include education and Health.
The foundation goals are to increase significantly the rate of healthy and vaccinated children, to provide medical equipment, to ensure access to vaccines and other primary health care. Children will always respond to help.
The purpose of West Africa Foundation is to empower the children of Mali by expanding educational opportunities for them within their own communities. The inspiration and vision of the W.A.F. came, in part, through working with families to define and solve the problems they face on a daily basis and to better their standard of living. W.A.F. is creating a real and lasting change for children in need. The communities face challenges which can easily be answered. Will you help to ensure self-sufficiency as the cornerstone of West Africa Foundation's programs? Our programs include education and Health.
The foundation goals are to increase significantly the rate of healthy and vaccinated children, to provide medical equipment, to ensure access to vaccines and other primary health care. Children will always respond to help.

The WAF is registered as a non-profit organization, to help the unfortunate children of West part of Africa. This help, included building health care centers and schools(primary and secondary classes) for these children who do not have no access to dispensary, no access to school. They need your attention.
WAF board members are very motivated into the success of our foundation to help these unfortunate children. Our mission is to facilitate the empowerment and development of people living in or adjacent to protected areas in west part of Africa. We work in specific rural communities and surrounding. Through our foundation's organization of country offices and health professionals, we work in partnership with Ministries of Health, local and international non-governmental organizations, and donors to improve the quality, availability, and use of key health practices and services. Our programs include Education and Health.
Our priority program areas in Mali Republic; for newborn, child health and survival, adolescent health, and school; which respond to the millennium objectives. We are committed to local capacity building and partnerships, program learning and innovation, and community-based approaches that address the health needs of poor and disadvantaged populations.
Health: Despite vast advances made in medicine over the past decade many communities in rural Africa still do not have access to medical facilities and primary health care. Various factors, such as poverty, malnutrition and unemployment all contribute to ill health. The Foundation's goals are to increase significantly the rate of healthy and vaccinated children, to provide medical equipment, to ensure access to vaccines and other primary health care. The WAF assists by facilitating the building of clinics and accommodations for support staff and the upgrading of existing, but inadequate, primary health care clinics with your support as our sponsor.
Education: These communities that WAF is trying to help have no way to school for their children, they are using antiquated methods of farming and have no lavatories some even don't have clean water. There is no application of basic medical knowledge even a minor cut can quickly escalate into a serious infection.
The foundation also conducts vocational training programs and facilities children's education programs; provide the West African Children, better access to school to increase the alphabetization rate among communities, training materials for active learning Technique, providing adequate facilities and learning materials for proper education. Education is vital to lasting positive change in children's lives. Yet for millions of children and youth in developing countries, education is beyond reach. Communities and nations, including some of the world's poorest, are committed to meeting the education needs of their most vulnerable children. They need global partnerships and support to meet the formidable challenges they face.
The Foundation trains teachers in the "Active Learning Technique"- a method that provides incentive to teachers remain in the teaching field, constantly expanding their opportunities and expertise.
The Foundation provides adequate facilities and learning material for proper education. A core mission of the Foundation is to help provide the children of West Africa with a quality life.
To donate today, please click the Donation button below
WAF board members are very motivated into the success of our foundation to help these unfortunate children. Our mission is to facilitate the empowerment and development of people living in or adjacent to protected areas in west part of Africa. We work in specific rural communities and surrounding. Through our foundation's organization of country offices and health professionals, we work in partnership with Ministries of Health, local and international non-governmental organizations, and donors to improve the quality, availability, and use of key health practices and services. Our programs include Education and Health.
Our priority program areas in Mali Republic; for newborn, child health and survival, adolescent health, and school; which respond to the millennium objectives. We are committed to local capacity building and partnerships, program learning and innovation, and community-based approaches that address the health needs of poor and disadvantaged populations.
Health: Despite vast advances made in medicine over the past decade many communities in rural Africa still do not have access to medical facilities and primary health care. Various factors, such as poverty, malnutrition and unemployment all contribute to ill health. The Foundation's goals are to increase significantly the rate of healthy and vaccinated children, to provide medical equipment, to ensure access to vaccines and other primary health care. The WAF assists by facilitating the building of clinics and accommodations for support staff and the upgrading of existing, but inadequate, primary health care clinics with your support as our sponsor.
Education: These communities that WAF is trying to help have no way to school for their children, they are using antiquated methods of farming and have no lavatories some even don't have clean water. There is no application of basic medical knowledge even a minor cut can quickly escalate into a serious infection.
The foundation also conducts vocational training programs and facilities children's education programs; provide the West African Children, better access to school to increase the alphabetization rate among communities, training materials for active learning Technique, providing adequate facilities and learning materials for proper education. Education is vital to lasting positive change in children's lives. Yet for millions of children and youth in developing countries, education is beyond reach. Communities and nations, including some of the world's poorest, are committed to meeting the education needs of their most vulnerable children. They need global partnerships and support to meet the formidable challenges they face.
The Foundation trains teachers in the "Active Learning Technique"- a method that provides incentive to teachers remain in the teaching field, constantly expanding their opportunities and expertise.
The Foundation provides adequate facilities and learning material for proper education. A core mission of the Foundation is to help provide the children of West Africa with a quality life.
To donate today, please click the Donation button below
These pictures and images belong to West Africa Foundation, therefore any copy, duplicate, and or usage of any of these pictures from the WAF site without members' permission and authorization, are prohibited.